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Kate Sargeant
Pink Wall paper:A fan site to Emily

Kate Sargeant

The young lady reponceble for bringing Emily to life on screeen is Kate Sargeant. So here is a little page dedicated to her!

From the Burbank aria Kate has been on the tv screen sents she was 9 at least. She moved to La Canada California while a teen ager and went to high scool there. She volintereed at her local YMCA, took an exstreamly tuff acting class during the summer of '97 and was a member of the Royal rose club's royal court. She was given the honor of being one of the 6 prinsesses of  the Royal rose club during '98 because of her poise, social graces, and charm.  Kate is interasted in psycholegy as it aplise to childerine.

Flower Close Up


Freaky Friday (1995) (TV) .... Gina
3 Ninjas (1992) .... Emily

Filmography as: Actress, Notable TV guest appearances

Notable TV guest appearances

"Sister, Sister" (1994) playing "Hula Hoop Girl" in episode: "Mothers and Other Strangers" (episode # 1.11) 8/29/1994